Welcome to my personal page. I'm MurRay that's all I'll go by on my site. Those who know me know my full name so, it's not necessary to repeat it here.
With all the identity theft going on guarding ones name is a necessity in todays world.
Besides, I didn't create this site for recognition, fame or the need of feeling some sort of fake self-worth. I created it because I have a lot of time on my hands due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In short I'm bored.
One of my beautiful daughters and I do mean beautiful, noticed that I was getting bored so she said, " dad with all the knowledge and talent you have in many areas why not do a podcast or webpage or some other kind of public media on current events." She was right, so here I am creating my own web page and soon I'll be podcasting.
At first I thought I would talk about my career with one of the finest Law Enforcement agencies in the nation. It would have been the best way to give you all an idea of my background. Then I thought who wants to hear about Law Enforcement, hold it, who cares what you want to hear this is my page. It's all about me! So for now I'm going to talk about my career.
I spent 25 years with the Pennsylvania State Police a Law Enforcement agency second to none. They trained all of us Troopers well. No matter what the emergency was, we handled it if we were called in.
Nuclear emergencies, presidential details, Hostage situation, Prison riots, major gas emergencies, bank robberies, major traffic accidents, I worked many assignments around the entire state. It was one hell of an exciting adventure. It brings the man out in you and as my daughters keep telling me "Dad you come from a time when men were men." That's when I kid them and say how come I have so many female bosses. It's true, the women in my life are my bosses. it's all good I have some great women in my life. They got my back.
I worked for, with and beside some of the most courageous men and women you ever met. Our job was to protect human life and we did so without any consideration of class,color,creed, or condition. We were there for anyone in danger or distress. We took great pride in conducting ourselves in upholding the honor of the force.
I learned a lot in my time with the State Police. There's a lot more to life then many people realize because they never ventured out of their confort zone or experienced dangers that challenged them beyond what they thought was their limits of courage or mental or physical ability.