Political Voice



When I retired from the finest Law-Enforcement agency in the nation several politicians from both the Democratic and Republican party tried to talk me into running for sheriff or city council,  I declined. 

I do not belong to the Democratic or Republican party. I am a registered Independent as well as seventy percent of my closest friends are . I was a Democrat many years ago when Democrats actually did something for the people of Philadelphia, now it's all about the money all they do is take from the people.  

I registered Republican for a few years and that's when I began to prosper, I can honestly say Republican polices, views and conservatism worked for me and many other people of color  who I know are afraid to publically make known they are republicans because of the racist label.  Not all white Repiblicans are racist, in fact there's just as many white racist in the Democratic party as there are in the Republican party. The Democrats are just better at hiding it. 

I registered as an Independent because I realized that I am an independent person. I make my own decisions and  I vote for whom I feel is the best person for the job it doesn't matter what political party they belong to. I've found that there are a lot of other people out there who feel the same as I do and have changed their registration to Independent. We communicate via email and our numbers are growing exponentially

I suggest to anyone reading this that you should change your registration to Independent and free your self from wasting your time in the primary's voting for the same old recycled candidates your party leaders force on you.  Then when you vote in the general/main election you vote for the best person running for the position.

 There are some really good third party candidates surfacing. Take a good look at them and if you don't like your party candidate then vote for the third party candidate of your choice. Truthfully, the smartest thing you can do for yourself and your family is to change your registration to Independent!  No I'm not running for Philadelphia City Council. The above sign was made by one of the political party's trying to convince me to run. But standby, you never know?

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